Author: Sage Blackwood
Published by: HarperCollins Children's Books US
Published year: 2013
Pages: 359
Format: Paperback
Source: School library
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The bubbling cauldrons and coloured potions of the wizard's house are a world away from the life Jinx has left behind. Even the walls are soaked in magic, and it's not long before Jinx begins to unlock his own rare powers. But Simon Magus is no ordinary wizard. He seems to need something from Jinx - something dark. And Jinx begins to wonder: can he trust all?
When you combine magic and student, you get a wizard's apprentice! The story begins where Jinx is abandoned in the forest of Urwald, Jinx met Simon the wizard, when Jinx's stepfather is taken by trolls, Jinx is taken by Simon to be his slave. Eventually Jinx learn about magic and begged Simon to be his apprentice. But when Simon took Jinx lifeforce from him, Jinx set out a journey to get back his lifeforce...or learn his lost power over again.
I like the cover of this book, it's very......magical and forestry. Alright lets get into the book, I like the fact that the story is fast paced, and easy to read. So I would recommend this to the readers that is just starting out to read long fiction. It's very detailed as well, so you could actually feel like you are in the story, the forest. And it's fantasy so it really fits my genre ^^. It's a good book because it's short, and you can just bring it with you when you are traveling. The same goes to the second book (because I just finished it)
Overall I think this is a good book if you don't have the time to go out and take a walk, when you read it, it really feels like you are in a forest rather than sitting in your office. And it also makes you think about go green as well. so, GO GREEN!
"An object may be concealed in plain view. One who knows that the object is there will find it, and one who does not will not."