Title: Order of the Dimensions
Author: Irene Helenowski
Published by: Unknown
Published year: 2013
Pages: 287
Format: Paperback
Source: Sent from the author
I want this!
When Jane Kremowski first began her graduate studies in physics at Madison State University in Wisconsin, little did she know where her work would take her. Now, she is embroiled in a multitude of dimensions all leading to different outcomes. She and her colleagues therefore must act wisely in order to take and keep away the Order of Dimensions from falling into the wrong hands for the sake of her loved ones.
The story begins on the day when Jane will be demonstrating her experiment - the Multiverser to a famous scientist known as Dr. Zelov. After the experiment, Dr. Zelov appears to like Jane and had been meeting with her several times. After a blackout during a presentation of Dr. Monroe, Jane finds herself in a completely different place. Aware that Dr. Zelov might be doing some mischief, Jane sets on a mission to overthrow her soon-to-be fiance in hope to return to her normal life. During her mission, she stumbled across many people that are aiming for the same goal, and her courage is put into test, as the smallest mistake could lead the destruction of the entire world.
This book is confusing, I'm not going to lie. When I first look at the title, I expect it to be a little more adventurous, like a person had gone into a dimension and is on an adventure to find a way back, but no, the main character travels many dimensions of he same world and is chasing the evil guy to the end of the world. There is too little detail in the book causing me to unable to imagine the scene. Plus, no one can read an entire paragraph without stopping.
But wait! There's also good things about this book. The story line may be confusing, but once we understand it, we know how brilliant this idea is! Who would have thought to write a book about a person chasing the bad guy all over the world? and more, the dimensions? And the story isn't that long, it's easy for beginner readers to understand the words, if someone wants to start reading a fiction, this would be the book to start with, and it's easy to take with when we're traveling!
Overall, I think the author has so much potential, and this book has a lot of room for improving! (no offense, but.....) Maybe this series wasn't that good, but you can always improve, write and publish some more books! There's no rule saying you can only write and publish one series, right?
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